Meet Sheetal, one of the new trainers in Prace’s Education Support program. Sheetal is a great example of having the courage to pivot in your career to find your true calling.
Her undergraduate studies in India were in architecture. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree, Sheetal completed her Master of Architecture in Architectural Conservation.
“I’ve always had a passion for historical buildings. They hold so much information and I love to try and understand not only their physical features, but also their history and how they have been used or altered over the years,” she said.
After a career as a university lecturer, Sheetal started a new phase of her life in Australia.
“I decided to enrol in a Certificate IV in Education Support. It is a field where the employment prospects are good, so it was a sensible decision, but I didn’t realise how it would change my life.”
As part of her casual employment with ANZUK Educations, she was rostered at schools with special needs like the Southern Autistic School on a regular basis.
“It was a life changing experience for me. I didn’t know a lot about autism. I had learned the theory, of course, but putting it into practice changed me as a person. I now have much more patience, my communications skills have improved, especially with reading non-verbal communication. I am also much more perceptive when it comes to facial expressions and body language.”
“Working with students with autism was incredibly rewarding; it was much more than just a job for me.”
After working in the field for a few years Sheetal decided to share what she had learned and became a trainer in education support.
“The Certificate III in Education Support is such a worthwhile qualification,” she said. “It is interesting work and is an area where there are plenty of opportunities for well-trained, passionate practitioners.
“It is also quite flexible. You can work with school students of any age and there is a range of part-time and full-time positions as well as short-term relief work.”
“A certificate in Education Support can also lead to work in before and after school care. Some of the students with special needs require assistance out of the school environment too, and sometimes parents want their children to get support from a familiar person for non-school activities on the weekends or holidays.”
“Working the typical 9-5 day suits me because I have a family to look after, but I know of some Ed Support Workers who enjoy having the day free and working other shifts,” she said.
Interested in pursuing a career in education support? Our Certificate III in School Based Education Support course in Rosanna is starting soon. Visit for more info.