Our End-of- Term Morning Tea was made even more festive with staff from the Department of Justice and Regulation delivering over 50 bicycles for donation to PRACE students just in time for the school holidays. Department of Justice and Regulation staff members Kiera …
In term three our PRACE End-of-Term Morning Tea was filled with surprises! This term VCAL hosted our much-loved event and wowed our students, teachers and staff with a show-stopping circus performance. For months the VCAL students have been practicing and …
Our PRACE Community Mural is now complete and she’s a beauty! Last week artist Hayden Dewar added the final touches to this large-scale piece of art. The development of this mural involved countless hours of community consultation and creative fine …
On Friday, August 24th we had the pleasure of attending the 2018 Darebin Community Awards where Cheryle Michael, PRACE’s Board of Management Chairperson, received a Special Commendation in the Citizen of the Year category for her many years of voluntary …
Congratulations to Pedro Luna, PRACE volunteer and student, on his nomination in the Learn Local Awards. Pedro has been nominated for the Ro Allen Award which recognises pre-accredited learner excellence. The award goes to a learner who has established pathways …
On August 7th the Merrilands Italian Seniors Club held their Annual General Meeting. 321 members attended the meeting which combined the business of governance with the enjoyment of a social outing. We look forward to another great year for the …
Last week we visited our wonderful friends at Little Sisters of the Poor / St Joseph’s Home to deliver a ‘pop-up’ iPad class to a small group of residents. In many cases, the older people we reach through these ‘pop-ups’ …
It’s official: Our PRACE Community Mural is a show (and traffic) stopper! Now, this awe-inspiring project is two weeks further down the track and the silhouettes are gradually transforming into recognisable figures. The spirit of our community is emerging for …