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Employment Skills With RMIT

Posted November 25, 2020

Woman sitting at a table during a job interview

RMIT Skills and Jobs Centre provides up-to-date guidance and advice on the current job market. The workshops they run, complement and enhance the skills and tools our learners are building during their courses.

Nicole Shuler from RMIT has presented virtually to the classes and so far, she has provided practical and encouraging tips on; writing winning job applications, approaching employers with confidence and strategies for adapting to a changing job market.

Nicole’s knowledge and research coincides with what the participants are learning in class and therefore she reinforces class learning and provides insight into how they can further apply these tools when they are working on a job application.

Participants from the Work Directions course have recently finished working on their interview role plays. So, at the end of the term 4, the learners will attend an additional workshop with RMIT to extend and reiterate their knowledge of face to face and virtual interviews.

We look forward to hearing how they go!

Interested in employment skills? Find out more here.