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Facebook For English

Posted July 24, 2020

This month, Adult Learning Australia featured an article on Shveta Bhutani and her use of Facebook to complement classroom teaching.

As part of her professional development, Shveta introduced the use of a closed Facebook group for her EAL class at PRACE. And, the results have been really positive with the strategy paying dividends in face-to-face classes.

“Shveta has noticed the students developing relationships independent of the classroom. ‘They think of this group as their place and their zone. Over time the students have been initiating more discussions, and sharing in the Facebook group without me and I want to build that.”

Read the full article here.

English class uses facebook to build skills

Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes are running remotely during stage 3 restrictions in Melbourne. Funded places are still available.