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Introduction to Theatre Production – Performance of ‘US’

Posted July 26, 2017

On Wednesday, 28th June staff, students and guests were treated to a performance of an original production by our Introduction to Theatre Production program participants entitled “US”.

The program participants’ journey from idea to public performance is described below.  We are very proud of what the class have achieved. Well done!

A film clip of the show’s finale has been posted on our You Tube channel. ( See the link at the bottom of this post. ) 


The Theatre production group have worked really hard all of Semester 1, learning all about theatre and performance. Firstly, the students had to learn the story they were going to perform, they then had to decide on the roles/characters they would each play and practise their parts. Next up, the group learnt about props and their use in the performance. They had to identify the props used in each scene and the set up of each scene. The group also designed and made placards to introduce each scene.

Then came the big day, Performance day. The students performed a play called “US”, which is about parents who are in a retirement home and have not seen their 3 children for many years. The children realised they have missed their parents and seek to rekindle their relationship and say sorry.

The students set up the stage area and the seating for the audience; which included parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, peers from other programs at Farm Vigano, staff from Plenty Valley Community Health and PRACE.

After the performance the students received a certificate to congratulate them on their hard work. The students then shared lunch with the guests and felt like Broadway stars. The day was a success and the students did a marvellous job.

A special thank you to Tina and Scott (PRACE Theatre Production Teachers) and the PVCH support workers for all their assistance in the classroom, helping to make props, extra guidance during practise and their great behind the scenes work on performance day.    

-Nadine Mulquiney, PRACE Pre-accredited Program Coordinator


You Tube link : https://youtu.be/-WVYoW6FAb4