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Play Learn Connect

Posted November 10, 2020

The Play Learn Connect program is back in full swing! A number of engaging and informative presenters from the local community have recently shared their knowledge with the Play Learn Connect families.

First up, participants had the opportunity to observe prep students during a play investigation session at St.Clare’s Primary School. As the participants watched the children play, Julie D’Noto, the Wellbeing and Community Partnerships Leader, spoke about the benefits and skills children are learning while engaging in play.

Our Play Learn Connect families were very interested in the structure and of these sessions, philosophy behind it and had lots of questions for Julie. This valuable experience helped participants learn more about the Australian school system – for many of them, classroom learning is very different in their home countries.

And secondly, Yvette Higgins from the City of Darebin is a Best Start project Leader for Families, Youth and Children. Yvette talked about the importance of play for young children and the benefits for their social, physical, emotional and developmental growth. She also spoke about childcare, integrated Childcare and Kinder programs and private kindergartens and the differences between these. Vital information for parents navigating preschool services.

Thank you to Julie and Yvette for graciously sharing your knowledge with our Play Learn Connect families!