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Working Together to Support People Seeking Asylum

Posted June 6, 2017

Deb Vallely our Projects Coordinator at PRACE was invited to be a speaker on a panel as a representative of Learn Locals and RTOs at the latest workshop for Building an ASVET (Asylum Seeker Vocational Education and Training Program) Community of Best Practice. The ASVET Community of Best Practice aims to enable the support of people seeking asylum to achieve a qualification.

Deb Vallely speaking at the latest workshop for Building an ASVET (Asylum Seeker Vocational Education and Training Program) Community of Best Practice on 25 May 2017Along with The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) and the Red Cross the panel discussed the challenges facing asylum seekers when enrolling in courses and having people seeking asylum in the classroom and how best to support them on their journey in education as adults in Victoria.

The Victorian State Government Department of Education and Training (DET) hosted the second workshop for Vocational Education Training providers (VET) who hold current training contracts with DET or the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board. Participants from recognised VET organisations attended this workshop and

  • Shared their experiences of implementing the Victorian State Government’s Asylum Seeker VET (ASVET) Program 2016-2018.
  • Explored further areas of improvement in the implementation of the ASVET Program at an organisational, program and teaching level
  • Contributed to the development of an ASVET Community of Best Practice (ASVET CoP)
  • Contributed to the development of further professional development opportunities for VET staff that focus on how to provide a better learning environment for students seeking asylum and refugees.

The workshop was successful in sharing ideas and addressing the challenges and the effects of these challenges on people seeking asylum and refugees. With the coming together of providers to promote best practise, learn from each other and network we will all work together to best support people seeking asylum to achieve their potential.