Our mock interview workshops provide invaluable insight into the recruitment process as students prepare to enter the education support sector.
The Mernda English Conversation class enjoyed a delightful excursion on June 13th, featuring a guided library tour, a walk through the village centre, and engaging conversations at a local café.
Our Semester 2 Course Guide for 2024 has just been released! Enquire today about enrolling in courses for terms 3 and 4.
On Wednesday, March 27th, 2024, Irina and Christina’s EAL classes embarked on an exciting excursion, eager to explore Melbourne’s natural gem.
Explore Ivy’s remarkable journey from teaching in China to thriving in education support in Australia, showcasing resilience, passion, and the transformative power of pursuing one’s educational aspirations.
Join us at Rosanna’s School-Based Education Support course, where we celebrate your success and prepare you for a fulfilling career in education support!
Prace EAL level 3 students delivered spoken presentations, sharing inspiring stories about their English learning journey with Course in EAL students.
Join our celebration of a successful partnership with Thomastown Neighbourhood House (TNH)! In an interview with Liz Skitch, TNH’s Manager, discover how TNH’s diverse activities and Prace’s English Conversation classes go beyond language development, actively nurturing a lively community spirit.
Meet Billie, a case worker on our Reconnect team, providing participants with individualised support to plan a return to education, training and employment.
Today we’re pleased to introduce you to Kathy, a level 3 English student at Prace. Read how Kathy used the skills she acquired in her Prace English class to achieve a perfect score of 5/5 in her presentation for her digital marketing course at RMIT.