Brayden joined Prace at the start of this year as a caseworker with the Pathways to
Employment Program (PTEP) after an interesting career journey.
“After studying science and philosophy at uni, I worked across a variety of projects in the
corporate and government sectors.
“The experience was invaluable and the projects very worthwhile, but there was always
something missing for me. I realised it was interaction with the people these projects were
designed to help,” he said.
Brayden moved to the NDIS, in the role of psycho-social recovery coach, which involved
coordinating support for participants with complex mental health diagnoses.
“The face-to-face contact with clients was very rewarding as it allowed me to focus on
understanding people and working together to build their capacity and find solutions to
problems they were facing.”
Brayden’s current work in PTEP is strongly centred around the end goal of employment, but
it’s a role that provides holistic support for participants with diverse needs.
“There’s some commonality in that people are trying to overcome barriers or find their
particular path to employment,” he said.
“For example, we have quite a few participants who have recently arrived in Australia, often
with extensive qualifications and skills obtained overseas, but they lack local work
experience or have had setbacks that have knocked their confidence.
“We also see young people who have had negative experiences at school or in the
workplace, undermining their confidence.
“A third cohort consists of older participants who have been out of the workforce due to the
Covid pandemic or retirement, but who now need to get back due to pressure from the rise
in the cost of living.
“However, each case is unique and may include difficulties such as homelessness, drug and
alcohol dependence, or domestic violence. The strength of PTEP is that we provide tailored
support to meet the needs of each of our participants, working with them to explore which
pathways through study or employment will best help them to build the life they want.”
Find our more about the PTEP program.