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From Trade Taster to Pre-apprenticeship!

Posted February 25, 2020

Sean had always loved working with his hands and shined in woodwork class at school. But, he found it difficult to be in the classroom all week and left secondary school during year 9. 

Sean came to PRACE to study the Carpentry Trade Taster course and he hasn’t looked back since. Despite his challenges at secondary school, Sean found the PRACE community supportive and successfully completed the course.

“Everyone helps out and is so nice and I really enjoyed coming to class. I would put my head down to work and time would just disappear” he says.

Sean felt at home in the workshed and made a strong connection with his teacher George who he describes as “grouse”.

“George knew how to explain things so that I could understand it straight away. He’s a hands on person as well, so he knows how I learn. It made it a lot easier”.

The Carpentry Trade Taster course is a hands-on opportunity to try out Carpentry and prepare for a pre-apprenticeship at TAFE. Sean is currently studying to improve his literacy levels before commencing his pre-apprenticeship at Melbourne Polytechnic this month.

Congratulations, Sean!