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Celebrating National Volunteer Week

Posted May 21, 2018

Our volunteers are amazing and we love having a national week to express our thanks.

In celebration, we held a morning tea this morning at which the Making Connections students presented our volunteers with certificates of appreciation.

We are so grateful for our volunteers’ commitment and ongoing service to PRACE. We receive so much and it is wonderful to see that they benefit too. One volunteer remarked on the joy she receives when helping someone overcome a barrier.

Thank you again, volunteers, for all that you do!


Some Facts about Volunteering in Australia

  • An estimated total of 932 million hours was volunteered during 2016.
  • Research demonstrates that volunteering yields a 450% return for every dollar invested. Nationally, this is an estimated annual contribution of $290 billion.
  • The 2016 Census revealed that:
    – 3.6 million people or 19.0% of the population aged 15 years and over are engaged in voluntary work
    through an organisation or group.

source: https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/nvw-facts/ & 2016 Census


Catherine Davison, PRACE Level IV EAL teacher with Cuc, Dalmara, and Asha, three of her former students who took up volunteering with PRACE after completing their Level IV English studies with us.
Volunteers visiting Catherine’s Level IV EAL class to talk about volunteering and its benefits.