Many programs we deliver in partnership with other organisations, such as:
Prace has partnered with La Trobe University to offer a free form filling service to the community. The program is delivered by La Trobe University students at Merrilands Community Centre. The service supports people with form filling activities and the team can also offer advocacy in a range of areas such as housing, complaints and job agencies.
Prace partners with Melbourne Polytehnic through Northern SEE and the Melbourne AMEP consortium to deliver the Federally funded Skills for Education and Employment Program (SEE) and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Melbourne Polytechnic is the lead agent for the consortium.
Prace is part of the Melbourne Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) consortium. As part of the AMEP you must do a Settlement Course to introduce you to life in Australia. AMEP provides other services including:
– child care which is available while you are in class
– a counselling service
– free translation of your qualifications and other documents
The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.
Shared Cup is a not-for-profit social enterprise located at Shared Space Community Centre in Olivine by Mirvac. They are committed to seeing the community flourish by creating places and spaces where locals can connect and hang out. Prace has partnered with Shared Cup in the delivery of the Barista and Cafe Operations course at Shared Space at Olivine Place in Donnybrook.
Prace and Mirvac Victoria have partnered to provide adult education courses at Shared Space at Olivine Place in Donnybrook.
Prace has partnered with Winslow Constructors to deliver an employability skills program tailored to employment in the civil construction industry. Winslow is a leading civil construction sub-contractor in Victoria with over 30 years in the industry. Winslow design and build civil engineering solutions for government, corporate property developers, and private land owners. Their expertise includes greenfield residential subdivisions, road and bridge construction, industrial and commercial subdivision, bulk earthworks, and land remediation.
Prace has partnered with Community Correctional Services for a number of years to provide community engagement via education and training opportunities for people undertaking community based orders.
Prace will continue to work in partnership with Your Community Health around questions of how to improve health literacy in our shared clients. It is clear that some Prace students have chronic health issues which impact on their capacity to attend classes, improve their English language skills and fully participate in the local community. Prace and Your Community Health have worked together to develop awareness in teachers and health professionals of the barriers to health services and ways to overcome those barriers.
Prace is in partnership with Darebin Youth Services to deliver training as well as education and training pathways support services through the Reconnect program.
Prace is in partnership with Deer Park North Primary School Community Hub to deliver the Certificate III in Education Support (Teacher’s Aide) course to the Brimbank community. The Hub aims to engage parents of students at Deer Park North Primary School in participation in learning and connecting with each other and the broader community. The Deer Park North Primary School Community Hub (DPNPS) is part of Community Hubs Australia.
The TWPS Community Hub was created through an innovative partnership between Whittlesea Community Connections (WCC), TWPS, Prace and the Smith Family. The Hub is aimed at supporting and strengthening the children, young people and their families attending and connected to the Thomastown West Primary School community.
Prace is in partnership with TNH to deliver a number of courses both accredited and pre-accredited at the Thomastown Library.
Prace is in partnership with East Preston Community Centre to deliver a number of courses both accredited and pre-accredited.
Prace is now delivering courses in Wallan in partnership with Wallan Neighbourhood House and The Centre.
Prace partners with industry to create relevant and engaging learning experiences, which connect learners with industry employers. Program partners include Winslow Constructors and Fire Rescue Victoria.
Learn more about Prace working in partnership with industry in the video below, which highlights Prace’s partnership with Winslow Constructors, a leading civil contractor in Victoria.
Many organisations have generously provided support or donated goods and/or services to benefit Prace programs. A number of these are listed below.
Organisations which currently fund us include: