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Posted May 25, 2018

PRACE held its annual general meeting last night. Thank you to all who attended.

As always the meeting gives us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on all the activity of the past year and acknowledge all those who have supported our organisation. In the meeting, our Board of Management Chair,  Cheryle Michael, reflected on the past year at PRACE– all of the amazing growth and outcomes achieved. She refashioned our Preston Reservoir Adult Community Education acronym PRACE in descriptive terms which have been recounted below. We believe that she has aptly illustrated what we hope most people who come into contact with our organisation come away with in one form or another.

P – Productivity and Purpose – Our Misson and Vision encapsulate what we are all about and we are busy, engrossed in our purpose.

R – Relationships- Not only the relationships developed by those working together, but the friendships formed as well and the respect displayed in our organisation’s culture amongst staff and students.

A – Achievements- These come in many forms: graduations, employment, improved infrastructure, financial sustainability. They are all to be applauded.

C – Congratulations and Celebrations – These also come in many forms and happen frequently throughout the year. Celebrating the achievements of our students is something we love to do.

E – Excellence and drive to Excel- We take this trend into 2018 and beyond.

We would like to express our thanks to our Board of Management whose commitment and contribution to PRACE is so valued.

We look forward to a great 2018/19.

PRACE 2017 Annual Report

PRACE Board of Management Chair, Cheryle Michael